
Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee and mayor, went to Longgang new materials to investigate the construction of key projects

On the afternoon of October 21, Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang new materials to investigate the construction of key projects. Huang Guolei, director of the municipal government office, Shi Zhiqiang, Secretary of the Party committee of Xiaying Town, Fu Wenfeng, mayor of Xiaying Town, and Wang Jingwei, chairman of Longgang group, accompanied the activities.

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee and mayor, went to Longgang new materials to investigate the construction of key projects

Mayor Li Yuxiang first went to the project site for on-the-spot inspection. Chairman Wang Jingwei gave a detailed report on the progress of the project and the project schedule.

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee and mayor, went to Longgang new materials to investigate the construction of key projects

Mayor Li Yuxiang fully affirmed the construction of the project, and put forward specific requirements and guidance for the next step of project promotion. He stressed that the construction of key projects is closely related to economic growth and development momentum. We should firmly establish a game of chess thought, earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency in promoting the construction of key projects, firmly grasp the "nose of the ox", do everything possible to grasp the commencement, construction and actual results, adhere to high standard construction, promote with high efficiency, and spare no effort to accelerate the construction of key projects.

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee and mayor, went to Longgang new materials to investigate the construction of key projects

Chairman Wang Jingwei expressed his gratitude to the municipal Party committee and the municipal government for their concern and support. He said that the enterprise will further clarify the work tasks, refine the work measures, adhere to the spirit of not slackening, the strength will not be reduced, the quality supervision and safety production throughout the project construction, to ensure the smooth construction of the project and early production.